Web Graph Statistics

Last Updated: 2025-02-25

Latest Release: cc-main-2024-25-dec-jan-feb



This webpage presents operational statistics derived from Common Crawl's Web Graph releases, which show the structure and connectivity of the web as captured in the crawl releases. The data consists of host- and domain-level graphs, where hostnames are formatted in reverse domain name notation. These graphs include all types of links, such as those pointing to images, JS libraries, web fonts, and so on. However, only hostnames with valid IANA top-level domains are considered, excluding URLs that use IP addresses as host components.

The domain-level graphs are constructed by aggregating host-level data at the pay-level domain (PLD) level, using the public suffix list maintained on publicsuffix.org. This methodology provides a comprehensive view of the web's hierarchical structure, which is useful for research in areas like ranking algorithms, graph analysis, and link spam detection.

For those interested in exploring the Web Graphs, we provide tools and instructions through the cc-webgraph project on GitHub. We also have a Jupyter Notebook in our cc-notebooks repository. Some related papers on how these Web Graphs can be used can be found in the Related Reading section below. Additionally, the list of graph releases is accessible via the graphinfo.json file.

The top ten highest ranked hosts and domains from each release are listed below. Ranks are derived from Harmonic Centrality, and we also show PageRank for comparison.

Top 1000 Ranks

Domain Host

These ranks can be found by running the following:

# Define environment variables for release and graph level
export RELEASE="{release}"  # Desired release (e.g., cc-main-2017-18-nov-dec-jan)
export GRAPH_LEVEL="{graph_level}"  # Desired graph level (e.g., domain or host)

# Fetch the top 1000 ranks for the specified release and graph level
curl -s https://data.commoncrawl.org/projects/hyperlinkgraph/$RELEASE/ \
        $GRAPH_LEVEL/$RELEASE-$GRAPH_LEVEL-ranks.txt.gz \
        | zcat \
        | head -n 1001

Each of these ranks files is multiple GiB, so piping to zcat or gunzip allows you to use head or tail to avoid downloading the whole thing.

What Are These Ranks?

Harmonic Centrality (that's the equation below and on the left) considers how close a node is to others, directly or indirectly. The closer a node is to others, the higher its score. It's based on proximity, not the importance or behaviour of neighbours. We calculate this with HyperBall.

Harmonic Centrality equation PageRank equation

With PageRank (that's the equation on the right), each node's score depends on how many important nodes link to it, and how those nodes distribute their importance. We calculate this with PageRankParallelGaussSeidel.

PageRank is susceptible to manipulation (e.g., link farming or creating many interconnected spam pages). These artificial links can inflate the importance of a spam node. Harmonic Centrality is better for reducing this spam, because it's harder to 'game', or exploit through artificial link patterns.

Statistics Plots

The following plots are of Web Graph statistics for all previous releases.

Download Data

domain.tsv host.tsv


nodes Plot

The total number of unique nodes (e.g., domains, hosts, or pages) in the graph. Each node represents an entity in the web graph.


arcs Plot

The total number of directed edges (or arcs) in the graph, representing links between nodes.


successoravggap Plot

The average gap between successive nodes in the adjacency list of the graph. This reflects the ordering and clustering of nodes in the graph.


avglocality Plot

A measure of the locality of edges in the graph, indicating how closely related the linked nodes are in terms of graph structure.


maxoutdegree Plot

The highest number of outgoing edges (links) from a single node in the graph. This identifies the most connected node in terms of outlinks.


dangling Plot

The total number of dangling nodes in the graph, which are nodes (vertices) with zero outgoing edges (arcs).


percdangling Plot

The percentage of nodes in the graph that are dangling nodes (see above).


avgoutdegree Plot

The average number of outgoing edges per node. This provides an overview of the graph's overall connectivity.


successoravglogdelta Plot

The average logarithmic difference between successive node IDs in the adjacency list. This reflects the dispersion of node IDs in the graph structure.


maxindegree Plot

The highest number of incoming edges (links) to a single node in the graph. It identifies the most referenced or linked-to node.


avgindegree Plot

The average number of incoming edges per node. This is equal to avgoutdegree in a balanced directed graph.


sccs Plot

The total number of strongly connected components (SCCs) in the graph. SCCs are subgraphs in which every node is reachable from every other node within the subgraph.


maxsccsize Plot

The size (number of nodes) of the largest strongly connected component (SCC) in the graph. This indicates the largest cluster of nodes that are mutually reachable.


percmaxscc Plot

The percentage of nodes in the graph that belong to the largest strongly connected component (SCC). It shows how dominant the largest SCC is in the overall graph.


percminscc Plot

The percentage of nodes in the graph that belong to the smallest strongly connected components (SCCs) (typically isolated nodes or trivial SCCs). This indicates the prevalence of disconnected or minimally connected components.


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